Punch biopsy

Minor procedure where a small round core is removed from a suspicious or undiagnosed skin lesion or rash using a circular blade.

  • Samples part of a skin lesion, or in some cases completely removes small lesions.
  • The removed tissue is examined under a microscope by a skin pathologist to give a diagnosis.
  • Larger punch incisions may need to be closed with stitches
Punch biopsy

Punch biopsy is a quick technique for removing skin or other tissue for microscopic examination by a skin pathologist. It can often be performed during a skin check appointment to get more information about a suspicious lesion.

A punch biopsy varies from 2 to 10mm in diameter. If smaller than 4mm, stitches are usually not required. Smaller punch incisions are generally used to establish a diagnosis and plan treatment of skin conditions and lesions.

Larger punch diameters are often used to completely remove skin lesions. In this case, the procedure is known as a punch excision.

How it’s done

  1. The doctor injects local anaesthetic into the skin to make it numb.
  2. Using a round blade to cut a hole through the skin, using a twisting motion to drill through the full thickness, they produce a core-shaped specimen of skin that is removed.
  3. A small hole remains where the skin was removed. The doctor applies pressure to control bleeding and then places a dressing over the area.
Dr Chris Miller
Written by Dr Chris Miller Accredited skin cancer doctor

MBBS, MA (Virtual Comm), Grad Cert Hlth Info, Grad Dip Comp Inf Sci

How to prepare

Good preparation can reduce the risk of complications such as bleeding or infection

shave skin before procedure
A few days before the procedure

If possible, stop taking aspirin or other drugs that prolong bleeding a few days before the procedure. You may need to discuss this with your prescribing GP, cardiologist or other specialist.

The day before the procedure

If the punch biopsyis in a hairy area, shave about 24 hours before. You should shave about 10cm all the way around so there is plenty of room for the dressing to stick to your skin.

On the day of your procedure

Don’t apply make-up to the area.

If you are concerned about pain from the local anaesthetic injection, you can purchase EMLA or another numbing cream. Apply it to the area about an hour before your procedure and cover it with a dressing or cling wrap.

After the procedure

To control bleeding, a crepe bandage may be wrapped around the area. If so, leave this bandage on overnight. Keep the wound dry for about 3 days. Because there are no stitches, the skin will heal gradually from the bottom up, often taking several weeks. Learn more about punch biopsy aftercare.

Side effects & problems icon

Side effects and warnings

If there are no stitches, a punch biopsy site may bleed for several hours.

Bleeding occurs with almost all surgical procedures. It can usually be managed with firm pressure and it settles within a few hours.

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Wound infections are relatively unusual. If you think you have an infection, it's best to have your wound assessed by a doctor or nurse.

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Bruising is common after procedures involving bleeding. It appears as a blue or purple patch under the skin and gradually changes colour and fades over 1-2 weeks.

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