Skin care and topical products

Creams and serums are one of the most important parts of maintaining skin health and repairing sun damage.

  • Ongoing skin maintenance
  • Inexpensive products are usually as effective as expensive “cosmeceuticals”
  • An important addition to aesthetic and skin cancer procedures
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To achieve the best possible skin health and appearance, it’s important to maintain a good skin care regimen.

Topical creams and serums can have multiple beneficial effects:

  • Fading pigmentation, melasma, age spots and freckles.
  • Settling redness and inflammation (e.g. dermatitis, rosacea and acne).
  • Smoothing the skin.
  • Making thin and fragile skin fuller.
  • Reducing fine wrinkles.
  • Protecting against ultraviolet-induced damage.
  • Speeding up wound healing and reducing scar formation after procedures and injuries.

The ABC of skin care

For most people, the combination of vitamin A (retinoid/tretinoin), vitamin B3 (niacinamide) and vitamin C achieves the beneficial effects listed above.

We normally recommend a twice-daily routine:

  • Morning: Sunscreen and vitamin C
  • Evening: retinoid/tretinoin, vitamin B3 and moisturiser. Combined vitamin B3/moisturiser products are available. We recommend Solarcare B3 moisturiser.

Our approach to skin care products

Wherever possible, we offer treatments based on a combination of:

  • Efficacy, as demonstrated by the best possible evidence, and
  • Acceptability to our patients.

When offering and recommending cosmetic and other treatments for sun-damaged and ageing skin, we keep in mind the following principles:

  • We keep treatments simple, offering maximum value for money. Rather than prescribing or recommending expensive branded skin care products, we prescribe and recommend products compounded to our specifications by pharmacists who specialise in skin products.
  • We keep our markup on retail products to a minimum so patients can leave the clinic with the products and treatments we recommend.

Skin cancers and dermatological conditions

Some skin cancers can be cured, and many dermatological conditions can be effectively managed with a combination of prescription and over-the-counter topical preparations.

For most people, creams and serums can help in the treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma, Bowen’s disease, rosacea, melasma and acne.

Learn about our topical medications for skin cancers and solar keratoses.

Dr Chris Miller
Written by Dr Chris Miller Accredited skin cancer doctor

MBBS, MA (Virtual Comm), Grad Cert Hlth Info, Grad Dip Comp Inf Sci

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