Does a doctor examine my moles?

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If you’ve booked a full body skin check in conjunction with your mole mapping appointment, your skin will be examined by an experienced skin cancer doctor and individual moles or lesions will be examined and photographed dermoscopically.

Reduce your skin cancer risk

At Spot Check Clinic, your skin will be examined by an experienced and qualified skin cancer doctor who can diagnose and treat skin cancers, suspicious skin lesions and other signs of sun-damaged skin.

The doctor will examine your skin using a dermoscope and identify moles and other lesions of interest or concern, and these will be photographed and added to your record.

You have the option to have mole mapping photography performed without a medical examination if you prefer. Your photos will be available in the MoleScope app for your own skin cancer doctor or dermatologist to review.

Dr Chris Miller
Written by Dr Chris Miller Accredited skin cancer doctor

MBBS, MA (Virtual Comm), Grad Cert Hlth Info, Grad Dip Comp Inf Sci


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Document and keep track of your moles with mole mapping.

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Mole mapping: before and after