Is laser mole removal safe?

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Laser mole removal is generally considered safe when performed by a trained doctor, nurse or dermal therapist with laser safety training and qualifications. However, like any medical procedure, there are certain risks and complications that may occur.

Considering mole removal? Book a 1-3 mole check with a skin cancer doctor.

Getting a mole removed with laser is generally considered safe. Complications such as pain, infection, bleeding and scarring are rare. Because laser and IPL treatments involve extremely bright lights which can generate heat in the treated skin, the most common risks are:

  • Eye injury: It is important for both the person performing the treatment and the patient to wear protective eyewear.
  • Burns: The laser can burn the skin if it is not used properly, leading to blistering and scarring. This risk can by having the procedure performed by a health an experienced health care professional with laser safety certification. An experienced laser operator will select settings such as wavelength, light pulse duration and intensity to optimise treatment for any given lesion on the patient’s skin type.

All staff involved in providing IPL and laser treatments at Spot Check Clinic are certified in laser safety.

Laser treatment also has a risk of inadvertently treating a melanoma. If a healthcare professional incorrectly diagnoses a melanoma as a mole and proceeds with laser removal, it could potentially delay the proper treatment for the melanoma and lead to more serious health consequences.

Doctors removing moles with laser should have experience and qualifications in skin cancer and melanoma diagnosis before treating any mole with a laser since melanomas often resemble moles. At Spot Check Clinic, our process involves the following steps:

  • A doctor carefully examines the mole or skin lesion to be treated using a dermoscope and high-magnification photography.
  • The doctor decides if laser treatment would be an appropriate way of removing the lesion (i.e. it looks like a normal mole and is growing in an area or on a person with a high risk of scarring).
  • Further investigations may be performed to reduce the risk of missing a melanoma. These may include follow-up photography to ensure the lesion hasn’t grown or changed, AI analysis of dermoscopic photography and spectroscopic analysis.
  • If all investigations suggest that the mole is extremely unlikely to be a melanoma, and the patient accepts the small risk of inadvertently treating a melanoma, the mole is treated using laser or IPL.

Overall, the risks of laser mole removal are relatively low, but it is important for individuals to carefully consider the potential risks and complications before undergoing the procedure. It is also important to follow all pre and post-treatment instructions provided by the healthcare professional to minimise the risk of complications. In terms of the chance of any of these risks occurring, it is difficult to estimate as it can vary depending on the specific procedure and the individual patient. It is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of the procedure with a healthcare professional before deciding to undergo laser or BBL mole removal.

Dr Chris Miller
Written by Dr Chris Miller Accredited skin cancer doctor

MBBS, MA (Virtual Comm), Grad Cert Hlth Info, Grad Dip Comp Inf Sci


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