We leverage advanced diagnostic and communication technologies to enhance diagnosis, treatment and the patient experience.

Skin cancer doctor examining a mole

Empowering patients with technology

At Spot Check Clinic, we are committed to using technology to provide superior care and a positive experience.

We employ cutting-edge technology to photograph, analyse, and monitor your spots, enabling the early detection of skin cancers that might otherwise go unnoticed. This approach reduces the need for unnecessary biopsy procedures.

By utilising mobile devices and cloud-based storage, we offer a flexible solution that allows us — and you — to access your records from any location. High-quality photographs can be taken during your skin examination by your examining doctor without having to use a dedicated device in a different room.

AI-assisted diagnoses

During your consultation, we may use an artificial intelligence algorithm that compares your spots with other images to propose a likely diagnosis. This system, often as accurate as a dermatologist (Esteva 2019), helps your doctor explain why a spot is likely or unlikely to be skin cancer.

Mole mapping

An additional algorithm compares mole mapping images of your body regions with previous images, automatically highlighting new or changing spots. This alerts your doctor to potential changes indicative of skin cancer.

Elastic scattering spectroscopy

Our doctor may use the Dermasensor device to assess moles and other lesions by elastic scattering spectroscopy . This device analyses the spectrum of light reflected from skin lesions and provides a score correlating with the risk of the lesion being a skin cancer.

Dr Chris Miller with patient
MoleScope website

MoleScope app for ongoing monitoring

With the MoleScope app, you can take your own photos and upload them to your shared record with Spot Check Clinic. The app files these images by body location and date, creating an ongoing record of your skin and any spots of interest. You can also upload photos taken previously, allowing you to compare images from past skin checks.

Diagnosis at a distance

If you have a spot of concern but visiting Spot Check Clinic is inconvenient, you can use the MoleScope app to photograph it and send it directly to our doctor for an opinion. In most cases, we provide feedback within two working days at a fee significantly lower than an in-person visit.

The MoleScope app also illustrates the ABCD (asymmetry, border, colour, diameter) characteristics of your spot to help you determine if it’s likely to be normal or abnormal.

MoleScope App
Patient undergoing laser skin treatment

Sharing information

Your doctor can annotate images with diagnoses, information about the condition, and potential treatments.

If we have performed a biopsy, the skin pathologist can view images to enhance the accuracy of their diagnosis. Laboratory results are automatically sent to the MoleScope system.

After your consultation or procedure, you can access photos, including close-up dermoscopic and body mapping images, pathology results, and the doctor’s notes about your spots, cancers, and treatments.


Esteva A, Kuprel B, Novoa R, Ko J et al Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks. Nature volume 542, pages 115–118. 2017

Ask a doctor

Learn more about skin cancer diagnosis and aesthetic medicine

Do you have more questions on skin cancer diagnosis and aesthetic medicine? Get peace of mind with a skin cancer check.

Our doctors use a combination of clinical experience and technology, enabling us to detect melanoma and other skin cancers at an early stage. Book a consultation

Doctors can remove moles and other skin lesions for people considering mole removal. Doctors (specifically accredited skin cancer doctors and dermatologists) are experienced in examining moles, skin cancers and other skin lesions and can provide the appropriate medical or surgical treatment while reducing the risk of complications.

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At Spot Check Clinic, you’ll be treated by a doctor or registered nurse. All of our treating staff are registered with AHPRA and comply with professional and ethical codes of practice.

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Choosing the right person or clinic for a mole check or skin check is a crucial step in detecting skin cancer. Your own GP might have experience in diagnosing and treating skin cancers. If not, a skin cancer clinic can be a suitable alternative.

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After your skin check, you should have a plan to manage current issues (e.g. skin cancers, suspicious spots, rashes), enable early diagnosis of skin cancers if they occur, reduce your risk of new skin cancers developing and treat existing sun damage to your skin.

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Level up your skin health

Learn how we use technology to detect and manage skin cancer, sun damage and other skin concerns.

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